
For the Ups and Downs ...

... God Gave Me You!

It has been six years yesterday, since my wonderful husband and I said " I Do!". Six amazing years - they seem so short and yet so fast. We met online on a blog while I was still in High School, got engaged a year into my college and married after I was finished. JC is my best friend, my soulmate. I can trust him with everything on my heart - good and bad. He always cheers me on and supports every crazy idea that gets into my mind. I love and respect him so much!

These 6 years have been great, but since God called us it has been even better. The Lord has worked so much in our lives, He is our number One and has only the best for us in mind. We serve an amazing God!
Imagine it like a triangle (hope the below illustration shows up good on your screen) -

/ \
Husband & Wife

Draw it out infront of you, God on top then Husband and Wife on each end of the triangle. Now use your index finger and place one on Husband and one on Wife. Move them upwards closer to God - do you see what happens? The closer you are to God, the closer you are as a Husband and Wife Team! And that's exactly how God has worked in our lives! He has made us so close. God has shown me so many things how I can be a christian wife to my husband and I am so excited to practice what He is showing me how to be the best help meet I can for my better half and raise our child(ren) in a godly way.


  1. Congratulations! Many more years ahead

  2. aw major congrats to you today friend! And many more years ahead. Blessings to you both!

  3. Congrats!! Happy Anniversary!!


Thank you so much for reading, hope you have a wonderful day!