
Every Smile is a Direct Achievement

I read the title on my tea bag today.

Every smile is a direct achievement. 

I realized that here lately I am burned out a bit and thus, cross with my oldest a lot. Therefore, for the month of February my "New Year's turned Monthly Resolution" will be that I purpose to smile more at my family. January was rising earlier in the morning to read and work a little bit before the kids wake up. 

For February it will be smiling more and stressing less. I'm praying I will be able to 'go with the flow'.


  1. What a lovely thought, smiling more. :) One of my Lenten practices this year is random acts of kindness with a particular focus on my children, for a similar reason - I need to correct my attitude towards my kids instead of allowing myself to be short and grumpy with them simply because they're children and thus it's easy for me to get away with. Easy, yes, but definitely not acceptable.

  2. That's a great Lenten practice, I love it. Looking forward to reading about it :)

  3. Bibi, I love when my tea bags say cute things! I always think of a "New Year" resolution as something we set out to accomplish for the year, I really like the idea of having one every month. I'm going to set one for next month.

    1. How wonderful, I'm so happy to read you will set one for next month! :) I love reading the little sayings, sometimes they are spot on for how my day is going or should be going... LOL Thanks for stopping by!

  4. P.S I just followed you on instagram. I see your pictures on the your sidebar and your kids are so adorable!!!!!

    1. The tea bag! I saw your picture of the tea bag saying on your IG feed and almost commented on it but got distracted by my kids before I had the chance to do so!!! Looking forward to seeing your pictures there :)


Thank you so much for reading, hope you have a wonderful day!