

August Resolution - on Repeat

This whole year I have been focusing on what seems like bi-monthly resolutions to improve my heart and habits around here. We began with a teabag suggestion of Every Smile a Direct Achievement {literally from a tea bag} and moved to Calm, Still, and Gentle, during a not so calm, still and gentle time in our lives. 

Since June I have been focusing on Rhythm, and what a huge impact rhythm {and sometimes the lack thereof} has made in our family. Some families do well with it, others without. To each their own,. But what I do know is that rhythm has been a lifesaver for us many a time. 

Rhythm was followed by July's Boundaries, another great one I still tend to neglect on occasion. 

The plain truth is that I'm not perfect. Things happen, situations come along that have me make comments and do things that are less than gracious. Habit shifts are just that - a shift in habits. They require work and mindfulness. And sometimes they take longer than desired. 

Since I don't have a resolution for August in place, frankly, I'm going to revisit the previous ones. It doesn't matter if I previously stumbled and failed or not. What counts is making the effort to change, to shift my heart and habits to soften my rough edges. And with that I am reminding myself of the goodness that I am striving for. 

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